The Amicable Divorce Expert Podcast

a podcast devoted to amicable divorces

Category: The Emotional Divorce

Are Men’s Feelings Different Than Women’s in Divorce?

On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we interview Tamir Berkman, Divorce Cowboy. Tamir only works with me because, as a man, because he believes he can address the emotional issues that men go through differently than women when in a relationship break-up. Tamir uses, as one of his approaches, Equine Therapy.  Equine Therapy is relatively new as a defined way to sort out feelings and gain perspective on why the relationship didn’t work.

Horses absorb distress and insecurity with people who try to get near them. Their reactions to skittish humans is to mirror that feeling back and react in a skittish manner and resist connecting with that human.

Tamir will take us through the ways in which men process emotion in a relationship break-up, and how understanding and dealing with those emotions can create a better post break-up relationship than existed in the relationship.

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Twitter: TamirBerkman

LinkedIn: TamirBerkman

Divorce Cowboy podcast

Steps to Divorcing a Narcissist

On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast we have Liz Merrill, Divorce Coach and Mediator, and a survivor of a narcissistic spouse. Liz had small children who came to her and encouraged her to leave the marriage for their sake. This is the complete opposite of what parents attempt to do for their children: Stay in an unhealthy marriage to benefit their children and continuing to live in a home and in a family that doesn’t function well, isn’t happy, and doesn’t display sound judgment.  Liz explained that engaging in all the behavior altering she could possibly do to gain the approval of her narcissistic husband never got her the approval she thought she would receive. Liz contorted herself into a person she wasn’t to please her husband and the father of her children, while completely losing her identity. Her children came to her rescue.

With her children’s blessing and guidance, Liz divorced. Merrill will take you through the steps she thought necessary and appropriate to divorcing her narcissistic husband, along with communication techniques and negotiating skills involved in the divorce process.

Liz went on to become a highly successful Divorce Coach and works with women going through divorces with high conflict personalities.

#highconflict #highconflictpeople #narcissism #narcissisticpersonalitydisorder #divorce #childcustody #coparentingwithanarcissist #lizmerrill #judithweigle #theamicabledivorceexpert #divorcinganarcissist #divorcepodcast #emotionalabuse #divorcepodcast #brenebrown #minorchildren #communicatingwithanarcissist #narcissisticbehavior  

Biography of Liz Merrill, Open Space Mediation, Divorce Coach and Mediator

Liz Merrill is a Mediator and a Divorce Coach with a specialization in High Conflict and Narcissistic relationships.  She lectures regularly on high conflict divorce strategies and is a sought-after speaker and podcast guest. She also engages in regular pro bono work for families who are experiencing financial hardship and offers pro bono services through various nonprofits and the Colorado Court system. Her understanding of psychological and physiological reactions to trauma, conflict, and anxiety brings a holistic approach to her work with families caught in the High Conflict cycle. After her own litigious high-conflict divorce, she saw the need for a holistic approach to divorce mediation, which included non-violent communication skills, managing trauma, and an understanding of how personality traits and personality disorders create high conflict in a divorce.  When she started working as a mediator for the courts, she discovered how badly equipped most divorce professionals are to manage the specific needs of people in high conflict relationships and how damaging it can be to the individuals and, most importantly, the children and family systems. Now she helps hundreds of people in crisis find workable solutions so they can reduce anxiety, save money, and move on with their lives. 

Divorcing a Spouse with Depression

Brian Stefan, ACSW, MSW, psychotherapist and proud social worker specializing in grief, suicide, anxiety, and crisis response. Brian is our guest on THE Amicable Divorce Expert with Judith M. Weigle, to discuss how to divorce a spouse with depression and suicidal ideation (serious thoughts about taking one’s own life). Brian provides individual, couples, and group therapy for those who are experiencing deep suffering due to profound difficulties such as grief and traumatic grief. Since divorce is a trigger for depression, understanding the conditions of grief and suicidal ideation will position the other spouse to proceed with compassion while accruing the knowledge necessary to surround both spouses with the right legal and mental health team to allow the divorce to move forward without severe complications, if possible. The spouse without depression can feel guilty about divorcing a spouse with mental health concerns, which is why both spouses will need counseling in order to properly move through the divorce.  Brian’s inspiration and professional influences are many, but first and foremost is the well-known television educator Fred Rogers – “Mr. Rogers” – who reminded children of all ages: “If it’s mentionable, it’s more manageable.” #BrianStefan #THEAmicableDivorceExpertpodcast #JudithWeigle #JudithMWeigle #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce #depression #suicide #suicideideation #grief #suicidal #compassion #mentalhealth #suicideanddivorce

My Freedom to Thrive and Break the Trauma Cycle of a High Conflict Relationship or Divorce with Dr. Anne, PhD., Psychologist.

Dr. Anne was in her own high conflict relationship and used the same techniques for herself that she uses on her clients who cannot seem to extricate themselves emotionally, physically, and financially from their unhealthy and controlling relationships. The questions to ask yourself in order to know if you’re in an unhealthy and controlling relationship: 1) Does the divorce seem never-ending: 2) Are you continually being pulled into court by your ex? 3) Are you terrified watching your court costs spiral out of control? 4) Are you confused as to why your partner will not reach an agreement? Dr. Anne will answer these questions and more.

Adele’s Journey Through the Emotional Divorce

Everyone experiences pain in divorce, from the lead-up to the decision of the divorce, through the process of uncoupling, in order to create a new beginning from this significant life event. We feature Adele because she speaks about her entire process in an interview with Oprah, interfaced with clips from her Hollywood Concert at the Griffith Park Conservatory. The lyrics from her CD “30” confront and explain her pain and how she processed it. Her outlet is music. What’s your divorce song?

The Emotional Stages of Divorce with Karen McMahon, Certified Divorce Coach

Karen McMahon, Certified Divorce Coach is visionary, clear, and eye opening in terms of providing a roadmap for healing. empathy, understanding, and acceptance of this major life event called ‘divorce’. There are 7 stages of grief in divorce, while only 5 when grieving a life lost of a loved one through death. Divorce is often described as a death, but it’s a death of a relationship while the partner we’re losing is still alive. If there are minor children to co-parent, you still have to be in contact with the person you’ve just grieved. The loss of a marriage can be more devastating than the loss of a human life. That’s why this episode with Karen McMahon is so important for everyone going through divorce. and contemplating divorce.

Men‘s Divorce Fashion with Holly Katz, Stylist

Men need to look and feel good, too, in order to be their best during the riggers of the divorce filing. There is a psychological shift that takes place in us when we take care of ourselves and look our best.

Men‘s Divorce Coach, John Nachlinger, Esq., Mediator

Men have different fears than women in divorce, specifically the loss of their children and the continuing cost of spousal support or alimony, to the extent that their lives may be ruined. John Nachlinger addresses all of their fears and speaks the language of men so that men confidently proceed with divorce with calm confidence and continued responsibility.

The Need for Therapy in Divorce with Pamela Payton, LMFT

Divorce is emotionally difficult, with and without children, but especially tough with children involved. Pamela will share her insights as a marriage and family therapist for the help that a therapist can provide during the divorce process, and share with you a little about her own divorce in which she represented herself in a trial with the largest law firm in Los Angeles representing her husband.