The Amicable Divorce Expert Podcast

a podcast devoted to amicable divorces

Category: The Legal Divorce

What Makes a Divorce Settlement Agreement Difficult to Reach

On THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast our guest is Attorney Natalie S. Lowe. We will be discussing Tips for Making a Good Divorce Settlement as well as reasons why settlements are difficult to reach.

One of the biggest reasons why settlement agreements are difficult is due to the emotional nature of divorce. Divorce is both emotional and financial. If there are minor children, that adds a layer of continued involvement between the parents that can only be healthy if both parents have gone through the grief stages of divorce, and are ready to change their identities from married to single – at least for a while.

Attorney Lowe will discuss the following reasons why a settlement agreement is difficult to reach:

1) how to know when you’re receiving good legal advice 

2) how to be patient if your spouse is taking longer than you want to take 

3) when to involve other professionals in the knowledge needed to make the decisions that are right for you 

4) when to compromise and be flexible in the negotiations

5) unrealistic settlement requests

6) fear of the financial future

7) lawyers dragging out time for financial gain

8) one or more spouses not ready to let go of the marriage

9) using the child as a pawn

10) emotionally attached to an asset

The decisions made in a divorce settlement agreement are bible once the agreement is signed by a Judge. That’s why every decision should be made with “informed consent”, meaning that legal advice is ultimately important before mediation or negotiation. People try to avoid lawyers or hide the fact that they’ve been to lawyers. But lawyers are there to help people understand the law so that when spouses are in the negotiation for settlement terms, they negotiate with a clear understanding of the law. Hopefully, a good lawyer is chosen. This will be discussed in the episode.

#divorcesettlementagreements #mediation #settlementagreements #attorneyadvice #natalielowe #attorneynatalielowe #informedconsent #divorce #childcustody #childsupport #spousalsupport #divisionofassetsanddebts #litigation #theamicabledivorceexpert #theamicabledivorceexpertpodcast #divorcepodcast #judithweigle #judithmweigle natalieslowe #amicabledivorce 

Biography of Natalie S. Lowe, Esq.

Attorney Lowe has been in practice since 2006. Her office is in the Beverly Hills, CA area. She has specialized in family law exclusively. Her mentor was Dennis Wasser, one of the foremost attorneys in the Los Angeles area for decades. Natalie learned from the best to be the best. 

Super Bowl Show Rappers Celebrity Divorces with Attorney Limore Mojdehiazad

Super Bowl Show Rappers Celebrity Divorces with Attorney Limore Mojdehiazad on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast will feature Dr. Dre, Mary J. Blige, Eminem, 50 Cent, and super fan Kanye (also known as “Ye”). The topics Limore and I will be discussing are spousal support in a high net worth settlement, child support, child custody, adoption, set-parent, social media and divorce, dividing a business, pre-nuptial agreements, bifurcations, spousal privilege, parentage cases, best interests of the child, Limore Mojdehiazad is a Beverly Hills attorney with offices in Century City.  Limor is a millennial, a social media commentator, and one of the most ethical attorneys in Los Angeles.  Limor understands celebrities and high net worth cases. She also understands the impact of social media exposure on a Judge’s decision-making. She teaches people how to deal with social media in a divorce, how to clean up your personal brand, and how to proceed in the most honest way for the most amicable outcome to a divorce or parentage case. #rappers #rapmusic #drdre #snoopdogg #eminem #kanyewest #ye #maryjblige #50cent #superbowlhalftimeshow #spousalsupport #childcustody #childsupport #bifurcation #parentalrights #parentage #THEAmicableDivorceExpert #TheAmicableDivorceExpertpodcast #attorneylimormojdehiazad #lawyerlimor @lawyerlimor #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce #superbowlhalftimeshow #superbowlshow #superbowlhalftimeshowLVI #superbowlLVI

Romance Fraud & Financial Exploitation with Brian Stefan

Romance Fraud & Financial Exploitation with Brian Stefan, former intelligence officer with the U.S. Department of Defense and the FBI-LAPD division before he entered the profession of therapy with a specialty in grief and suicide prevention, is our topic today on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast with Judith M. Weigle. I learned of romance fraud and financial exploitation in my work as a divorce paralegal and mediator when I saw older men who were widowers look for younger women from other countries on dating sites, a place that was foreign to them. They didn’t understand that not everyone’s intentions were to find true love, but to find someone who was needy enough to provide unlimited financial support for them and their families. Not that romance fraud and financial exploitation don’t exist within the American population, too. It does. Brian Stefan will enlighten us about the motivations of those who perpetrate romance fraud, what romance fraud looks like, and how to extricate yourself from a relationship, a marriage that only serves to exploit you rather than add value to your life. It’s hard for people who are pure of heart, and would never take advantage of someone for money, to understand that they are victims of romance fraud, yet it happens every day. There are clear signs that are similar in most cases that Brian will explain to help you understand if you are being defrauded. The result of not accepting that the person who you thought loved you really doesn’t can actually be suicide if the fraud is that extreme. Are you a victim of romance fraud and financial exploitation? #romancefraud #financialexploitation #brianstefan #theamicabledivorceexpert #theamicabledivorceexpertpodcast #fraudulantmarriage #judithweigle #judithmweigle #divorce #divorcepodcast #amicabledivorce

My Freedom to Thrive and Break the Trauma Cycle of a High Conflict Relationship or Divorce with Dr. Anne, PhD., Psychologist.

Dr. Anne was in her own high conflict relationship and used the same techniques for herself that she uses on her clients who cannot seem to extricate themselves emotionally, physically, and financially from their unhealthy and controlling relationships. The questions to ask yourself in order to know if you’re in an unhealthy and controlling relationship: 1) Does the divorce seem never-ending: 2) Are you continually being pulled into court by your ex? 3) Are you terrified watching your court costs spiral out of control? 4) Are you confused as to why your partner will not reach an agreement? Dr. Anne will answer these questions and more.

Charlie Sheen & Denise Richards Child Support Ruling

Our Celebrity Divorce series focuses on the current child support modification case of Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards. Attorney Matthew Smurda will take us through the modification process for custody, the co-parenting schedule, and child support, addressing fears and concerns that both parents have with these three aspects of co-parenting.

“Debt and Divorce Exposed” with Attorney Lyle Solomon

Attorney Solomon will discuss credit card debt, community debt, IRS debt, and the responsibility for both spouses regarding debt created during the marriage regardless of what the settlement agreement states.

Men‘s Divorce Coach, John Nachlinger, Esq., Mediator

Men have different fears than women in divorce, specifically the loss of their children and the continuing cost of spousal support or alimony, to the extent that their lives may be ruined. John Nachlinger addresses all of their fears and speaks the language of men so that men confidently proceed with divorce with calm confidence and continued responsibility.

Culture and Divorce with Dr. Manijeh Daneshpour

Each culture expresses themselves differently as part of their daily living. In divorce, these unique behaviors can factor into divorce settlement agreements. Listen to this discussion about culture and divorce, and how not understanding cultural can impede and derail a good settlement.

Erika Jayne & Tom Girardi Celebrity Divorce with Attorney Matthew Smurda

Part II of this Jayne/Girardi divorce will focus on community property division and bankruptcy, division of a partnership business, spousal support, attorney fees, and the use of social media as evidence affecting a divorce settlement.