The Amicable Divorce Expert Podcast

a podcast devoted to amicable divorces

Category: Why Divorce?

How Can Love Survive a Transgender Marriage?

“My Husband’s a Woman Now” author Leslie Hilburn Fabian, LCSW is our guest today on THE Amicable Divorce Expert podcast with Judith M. Weigle, sharing her journey through meeting her husband Dr. David Fabian, orthopedic surgeon, marrying David, and then confronting David’s need to transition to female Deborah while Leslie considered her ability to remain in the marriage as a heterosexual woman. Leslie wanted to document her experiences as the spouse of a transgender person to give voice to those spouses confronting either the continuation of their marriage or a divorce, as the spouse of a transgender person is often overlooked. The focus is typically on the person transitioning and not on those closest to them. Loved ones of the transgender person have to somehow transition, too, in their thinking and acceptance of this major life change, their own identity if they are the spouse, and the ability for the children and extended family to have continued love beyond the gender transition. This will be controversial for some of you, and life-changing for others as you listen to Leslie’s story of her life commitment to her happiness and her spouse’s happiness, as well as self-love in the face of the hardest decision she’s ever made, to stay or leave the marriage.

The Power of Denial

Denial can ruin your life if what you are denying impedes your happiness, causes you sadness, and generally creates an unhealthy and unproductive life and relationship.  Denial is a defense mechanism that in a temporary use can help you gather your thoughts, gain perspective, and monitor the issues that are causing you alarm.  But longterm denial can ruin your life or make your life tougher than it needs to be.  Self-compassion is your ticket out of denial and into making choices that are kinder and more productive for the best life you can live.

Stages of Couple Development with Dr. Steve Wolf, PhD

There are three stages in the evolution of being in a relationship: Formation, Gestation, and Breakdown. Dr. Wold will discuss each stage, and also explain how vulnerability and anger are connected in the Breakdown stage.  Anger will be revealed in a way that will allow you to understand your own and your partner’s anger, and either continue the relationship or use the understanding of anger to evolve out of the relationship in the best way possible.

Infidelity Part I with Dr. Talal Alsaleem

 Infidelity Part I with Dr. Talal Alsaleem