a podcast devoted to amicable divorces
Judge Michele will discuss why she wrote the book and how she, as a former Family Law Judge, could see how divorce litigants could have a completely different, and more positive, divorce experience if they could follow another path towards divorce, a path rooted in acceptance, understanding, empathy, compassion, and forgiveness, while using divorce to reframe and change their lives for a better outcome than they could have ever imagined.
Matthew Smurda detail the divorces of the two richest men in the world, who both live in Washington State yet with two very different stories. Bezos was extremely amicable and over expeditiously, while the Gates divorce continues to tell a very different story of discord between Bill and Melinda. Listen to Attorney Smurda discuss the extra considerations that titans of commerce and industry must consider while going through the same processes of dividing assets and debts just like us.
In this episode we will dissect what fear is and how it expresses itself in divorce. We will also look at common examples of fear in divorce and how to handle those fears as they surface, along with real life stories of the fear other couples are facing and why.
Explores the aspects of Kim and Kanye’s divorce, and Dr. Dre and Nicole’s divorce. Although the numbers are bigger the issues and the law are all the same. Listen to Matthew break down the division of assets and debts, spousal support, and custody & co-parenting in so far as they affect our notable celebrities and our divorces, too. It’s an interesting backdrop to learn about the components of a divorce filing.
The A#1 reason why people divorce is their incompatibility with money: Earning it, Spending it, and Saving it. Adam will not only show you how to discuss money, prioritize money, and find someone who is financially compatible with you. If you’re divorcing, Adam will help you through making a settlement agreement that works, and to continue a co-parenting relationship in a financially successful way.
As a former family law litigator, former Judge’s assistant, and now a mediator and coach, Gabrielle sheds light on the reality of how Judge’s make decisions, what’s in store for you in court, and how mediation can save the day – if you’re ready. Gabrielle shares stories and gives guidance to the right path for you in your divorce strategy.
There are several types of High Conflict Personalities (HCP) that will be described in this episode by quoting Bill Eddy, the international guru of legal disputes with HCPs. High Conflict Personalities have personality disorders to some degree and are hugely difficult to deal with in general, and almost impossible in legal disputes like divorces or paternity cases. Resolution will be provided as we discuss the HCPs you may have in your life.
Paul A. Samakow is divorced, was a divorce attorney, is now a personal injury attorney extraordinaire, and hosts a podcast called The Legal Merry-Go-Round. Paul will share his wisdom as an attorney and discuss how clients should work with attorneys for the best representation and results in their cases, point out the control clients have in their legal relationships, and share his own experiences going through his divorce. Paul will also address what his childhood was like with parents who he thinks should have divorced but didn’t.
Words of Advice: Accepting some level of responsibility for a conflict moves a disputant from victim to victorious.
Judith Weigle’s Philosophy: Be Honest, Speak from the Heart, Take Responsibility for Your Actions