a podcast devoted to amicable divorces
“Custody Rights and Non-Biological Parents” today on Constructive Uncoupling podcast with Attorney Matthew Smurda and Amicable Divorce Expert and host, Judith Weigle. Attorney Smurda will discuss a growing trend in blended families and divorce: Custody Rights vs Visitation, mandatory vs voluntary child support, StepParent Rights, and Presumed Parent. @MatthewSmurda. Listen Here: https://judyweigle.podbean.com/e/custody-rights-and-non-biological-parents-wattorney-matthew-smurda/
Graybill’s approach to blended stepfamilies starts with the communication about parenting styles and parenting rules between the biological and new stepparent first, then transitions to a family Mission Statement that includes the children.
Graybill also discusses how bringing the loss experienced from the divorce has to be acknowledged and dealt with as the biological, newly divorced parent enters another relationship that includes a blended family.
Words of Advice: Accepting some level of responsibility for a conflict moves a disputant from victim to victorious.
Judith Weigle’s Philosophy: Be Honest, Speak from the Heart, Take Responsibility for Your Actions