Integrity, Leadership and Goal-Setting in Marriage w/Richard Melancon, CPA, Author, Speaker

Running a successful business is the same as running a successful relationship. Success in both rely on the same principles of goal-setting, financial management, integrity, communication and leadership. Values-based leadership is huge in the biggest and most successful businesses, companies that you might not look at as having a heart and compassion for their employees, yet they do.
Respect for money along with respect for each other is paramount in a marriage. When a readjustment in money and respect are needed, honest and open communication are needed. Hiring a financial manager can be helpful to help sort out why money is being abused or not used properly.
Financial malfeasance is the #1 reason people get divorced, not infidelity.
People’s attitudes about money frame their choices in career, self-worth, a feeling of success, and the success of their relationships, especially in marriage. The way people spend and earn money either provides a life of financial freedom that translates into happiness, or holds them hostage to a life of choices that create unhappiness.
Whatever people earn means less than how they spend and save the money they make. The importance of living within one’s means is the key to freely making choices to change their careers to earn more and live their happiness.
People say that money, in and of itself, doesn’t make you happy. But not having money feels horrible because a lack of money fuels insecurity. I guess the way people make money creates happiness, and how the money made is budgeted continues a feeling of security, control and happiness.
Inappropriate use of money is a symptom of a bad marriage. And it doesn’t seem to matter, in some marriages, how much money is made. Some people just spend more than they make. An
inappropriate expenditure of money reveals deep values issues within the individual that if not curtailed by one spouse, will eventually lead to divorce.
What place does money have in your opinion of yourself?
What place does money have in your marriage?
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Richard Mélançon has 25+ years of experience as a Certified Public Accountant, Business Consultant, Professional Speaker, and author. As a business consultant, he has worked with companies from coast – to – coast to improve operations, enhance security, identify workflow improvements, build an ethical culture, and improve staff productivity.
Mr. Melancon has published three books since 2009. His first book, “You Can Afford the Good Life,” is a personal money management guide for people who are in financial crisis. His second book “18 Secrets to Unlock Profits and Inspire Employees,” helps companies to implement “Best Practices” to operate an effective business. His third book, “Integrity-Based Leadership,” helps business owners align their personal values with the corporate mission to reduce stress, build team spirit with employees, and expand profits significantly. Mr. Melancon has developed a professional speaking platform for these topics for groups and workshop settings.
Richard A. Melancon, CPA
4436 Glendale Street
Metairie, LA 70006
VOICE 504-780-909 1
FAX 877-886-4455